This website is owned by Longstone Mobile Ltd (hereinafter “”), with Vat - IE04170949LH 71 Lower Baggot Street Dublin, Ireland.

For any query or proposal, contact us or in the e-mail

This website is governed by the exclusively applicable regulations in Spain, being subject to it, both national and foreign that use this website.

Access to our website by the user is free and is conditioned to the prior reading and acceptance of full, expresses and without reservations of these general conditions of use in force at the time of access, which we will read carefully. The user at the time our portal uses, its contents or services, accepts and expressly submits its general use conditions. If the user does not agree with these conditions of use, they must refrain from using this portal and operate through it.

The supply of personal data through our portal requires a minimum age of 14 years, or where appropriate, dispose of age to hire.

At any time we can modify the presentation and configuration of our website, expand or reduce services, and even suppress it from the network, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior notice.


All intellectual and/or industrial property rights related to the contents of the website, as well as any element affected by the provision of the service and/or infrastructure used to provide the service are owned by or third parties unless it is indicated otherwise. This includes, although it is not limited to this, any text, brand, commercial name, logo, distinctive sign, drawing, photography, video, audio-visual content, image, icon, file, graphic design, color combination, structure and design of the website, computer code and/or applications.

The user is prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, communicating and/or exploiting by any way the contents of the website without prior and express authorization of Likewise, the modification, reproduction, duplication, copy, distribution, sale, resale and other forms of exploitation for commercial purposes or equivalents of the service is strictly prohibited.

The user is not authorized to delete, modify, amend or manipulate any protection or security system that may be installed on the website.

The fact that gives access to the user to their services does not imply any resignation, transfer, total or partial assignment of intellectual and industrial property rights by and does not empower any use of the website that exceeds the Actions necessary to visit the website and to use the service offered through it. The user will refrain from reproducing or copying for private use any content of this website that can be considered subject to protection of intellectual or industrial property rights.


Access to our website is free. However, certain services are restricted to certain users and require having carried out a registration and/or password identification process. These services will be duly identified on the web.

The sending of personal data implies express acceptance by the user of our privacy policy.

The user must access our website in accordance with good faith, public order norms and these general conditions of use. Access to our website is done under the own and exclusive responsibility of the user, who will respond in any case of the damages that may cause third parties or>
The user has expressly prohibited the use and obtaining of the services and contents offered on this website, by procedures other than those stipulated in these conditions of use and, where appropriate, in the particular conditions that regulate the acquisition of our services.

The user is prohibited from any type of action on our portal that originates an excessive operating overload to our computer systems, as well as the introduction of viruses, or robot installation, or software that alters the normal functioning of our website, or ultimately can cause damage to our computer systems.

Taking into account the difficulty of control regarding the information, contents and services contain The possible, ensure your legality. reserves the right to cancel any user who the organization understands that it has violated the conditions that govern the use of our website. It also reserves the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions against those that violate these general conditions of use.


Confidentiality and safety are's primary values ​​and, consequently, we assume the commitment to guarantee the privacy of the user at all times and not to collect unnecessary information.

The supply of personal data through our portal requires a minimum age of 14 years and the express acceptance of our privacy policy.


By making available to the user this website we want to offer a quality service, using the maximum diligence in its provision, as well as in the technological media used. However, does not guarantee that the availability of the service is continuous and uninterrupted, due to circumstances caused by problems in the Internet network, breakdowns in computer devices or other unpredictable circumstances, so that the user agrees to support within reasonable limits These circumstances.

The user acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our portal, and recognizes that they are sufficient for the exclusion of the error in them, and therefore, he accepts them integrally and expressly.

The user is fully aware that the mere navigation on this website, as well as the use of their services, implies the acceptance of these conditions of use.

Everything related to our website is governed exclusively by Spanish laws. In the event that any type of discrepancy or difference between the parties in relation to the interpretation and content of this website is produced, all parties are submitted to the courts and courts that legally correspond.


These general conditions of use have been modified dated 07/21/2022. At any time we can proceed to its modification: please check the broadcast date on each occasion where it connects to our website and thus will be certain that no modification has been produced that affects it.