Locate a phone

Enter the number to geolocate:

✓ Valid

We can locate and track all phones all over the world

Create your account

When registering, we will ask for your email address as well as a first number to locate. Your password will then be sent to you by email.

Try geolocation

Test the service for only €0.50 for the first 3 days. Then, you will be able to locate other telephones with a subscription of €29.9 per month without commitment of duration. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Easily locate a cellphone

To find out where someone is, just enter their mobile number. An SMS will then be sent to him to obtain his location.

Cell phone geolocation

As soon as the recipient gives their consent, our system can then retrieve the location information from their phone.

Cell phone location map

As soon as we have finished locating the phone, you can then view its location on a :supportNumber Google Map, with the level of precision you want.

Do further research

During your trial period you will be able to perform ten locations. Then your subscription will allow you to achieve up to thirty locations per month. The locations can be done on different numbers and / or different recipients.

How does the Positionexacte.com offer work?

Subscription offer

Our service works with a monthly subscription at €29.9 with no time commitment. You have the option to terminate your subscription whenever you wish. Directly from our site in your member area, or by contacting us by email or phone.

Secure payment

All transactions made on our site are secured by one of the leaders in online payment. All your personal information is encrypted using SSL protocol.

Invoices and receipts

If you need an invoice, please send us an email to :email and our finance department will send you the invoice directly by email.

To contact us, nothing could be simpler:

You can contact us by email on or by phone at
We'll be happy to help.
We respond in less than 24 hours.